“Now that we have successfully completed the purchase and refitting of the 2017 Beneteau Oceanis 45, I want to let you know some of our thoughts about Joel.  We are overwhelmingly satisfied with his help and work on the transaction. He went well beyond his obligation to us as our broker to make sure the experience was a positive one. He was honest and forthright about every aspect of the purchase and went way out of his way to make sure every question we had was responded to quickly and completely. He delivered solutions to our questions and needs.  I particularly appreciate his time in the beginning to understand our skill level, needs and wants in our sailboat …  He is an excellent communicator. Always available when needed, and always thinking ahead and calling us to just get an update or chat about where our heads were. In short, he made the searching and buying experience a pleasure. We were never pressured or talked down to or made to feel our questions or concerns were not important … He wants to make sure we are happy with the experience- and we are!” 

-David McBride – Happy brokerage customer of a 2017 Beneteau Oceanis 45

Joel went beyond obligation