J/111 New (Faster) Kid?
(Lymington, England)- Andrew Hurst, Editor of SEAHORSE, wanted to know more about how the J/Boats Design Team identifies target markets, brain-storms the creation of the design and develops the ultimate…
(Lymington, England)- Andrew Hurst, Editor of SEAHORSE, wanted to know more about how the J/Boats Design Team identifies target markets, brain-storms the creation of the design and develops the ultimate…
Waterline Systems builds several of the J/Boats in RI This tip comes courtesy of Waterline Systems: “This time of year, lots of people will be trying to fill in little…
There are four common clauses which are found in many shipyard contracts, and if agreed to by the owner, could act against or violate the terms of the owner’s yacht…
You can become a more informed consumer of yacht insurance and choose the right policy for your boat if you don’t believe some of the myths. Here are two myths…
Click Here to go to the IRC Handbook Click Here to go to the IRC Handbook Current List of Boats For Sale – Go to our Blog – Go to…
J/95 YACHTING WORLD Test (Hamble, So’ton, England)- A team of experienced sailors and writers from Yachting World, led by Toby Hodges from YW, took the gorgeous black-hulled J/95 for a…
Posted on April 20, 2010 Legislation to cap Florida’s sales tax on yachts at $18,000 is working its way through the legislature. The legislation is touted as a means to…
(Bristol, RI)- Fresh out of the molds and seemingly ready to take off is J/111 hull numero uno at CCF Composites operations in Bristol, RI. The first boat will spend…
It’s when one experiences first hand the bad effects of using biodiesel without changing the fittings on the fuel tanks that the message comes home in a dramatic way:…
Beneteau First 40 May 2010 By John Kretschmer Boats and Gear Stylish and fast, this latest racer-cruiser has already won the Sydney-Hobart race There are boat tests, and then there…