Trying it before buying it
2016 April 25
The new sharing economy comes to sailing would-be sailors into owners through boat-sharing clubs

For many sailors, the dream of boat ownership is always present. But making it a reality means overcoming the big fear: the terrifying possibility that you could plunk down a fair amount of money on a boat only to find out that sailing isn’t the sport for you or your family.
Stanton Murray, who owns Murray Yacht Sales on Florida’s Gulf Coast and New Orleans, as well as the SailTime Tampa Bay and SailTime New Orleans franchises, compared membership commitment to a cell phone contract.
“It’s like renting a home rather than buying it. If you need the feeling of owning your own house so that you can barbecue privately in your backyard and fix the roof, that’s fine, but renting a condo might be cheaper,” he said. “It’s a shared economy and it’s about the experience you have. You are buying the experience.”
According to Murray, the net cost of ownership or membership is essentially the same, only with SailTime you’re sailing a new $250,000 sailboat versus the older $25,000 model that you purchased.
“It’s like renting a home rather than buying it. If you need the feeling of owning your own house so that you can barbecue privately in your backyard and fix the roof, that’s fine, but renting a condo might be cheaper,” he said. “It’s a shared economy and it’s about the experience you have. You are buying the experience.”
According to Murray, the net cost of ownership or membership is essentially the same, only with SailTime you’re sailing a new $250,000 sailboat versus the older $25,000 model that you purchased.